It’s Not Us…It’s Our Training

Over 300 women have come forward to report decades of abuse by Larry Nassar. How is this possible? The fact that these women have various economic, religious and racial backgrounds tells us it is not about circumstances, but a deeper belief we all have as to our roles as females in this world.

The #MeToo movement is not about some bad men finally facing justice. It’s about the conditioning and behavior we’re taught is acceptable as males and females.

I recently read a conversation a woman relayed between her and her teenage nephew. He was telling her about this girl he really liked and that he had asked her out and she said no. “You know what you do now?” she asked. He responded, “I know, I know. Keep trying. Don’t give up.”

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We can all agree that saying women do most of the cooking in the world would be a fair statement. Without research and statistics, using only our observational skills, this would be an accurate statement.

Chances are that as we were growing up our mothers did most of the cooking. The same is true for most everyone we know. While it’s also true that this is changing and in two parent households men are stepping up to the oven more often, it’s still an accurate statement to say that women are the cooks of the world.

This thought struck me as I was watching the show Chef’s Table the other night. Each episode of the show focuses on a world renowned, award winning chef who owns their own restaurant. Out of eighteen episodes, only four featured women. Isn’t it ironic that when it comes to cooking done at home (without pay) it’s usually done by women, but when it comes to restaurants, (with pay) it’s most often done by men?

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