
Heroines & Heretics Podcast

Heroines & Heretics is a podcast dedicated to questioning the roles women have been trained to play in society. We explore different ways to be spiritual beings in this world outside of patriarchal religions, and discuss how the rebirthing of the Divine Feminine is not only imperative, but happening all around us.

Her Near Death Experience (NDE) showed her we do not suffer when we die!

Kristen Numen joins us to share her Near Dear Experience and the lessons she learned visiting the other side during a life-threatening episode in her home. While her physical body was in a coma in the hospital, her consciousness was on another plane where she met God, her angels and guides, and came back with a powerful story to tell regarding the love the Divine has for us all.

The Divine Feminine Came to Me…and I’ll Never Be the Same

Pastor Siri Strommen joins me as I recount my life changing weekend at a women’s sacred ceremony retreat where I experienced the miracle of direct connection with the Feminine Face of God. We discuss how traditional religion has denied the truth in order to control us, and how we can free ourselves from the programming that keeps us small and afraid.

Her Near Death Experience (NDE) Showed Her the Power of our Thoughts

How much power do our thoughts have over our lives? Barbara Ireland was a succesful musician, touring with the guitarist from Pearl Jam. But after noticing she had self-doubt running through her head during a performance, she signed up for a wilderness boot camp to boost her courage. During the camp she suffered heat stroke and dehydration, causing her body to shut down. What followed was a Near Death Experience (NDE) that led her to write a powerful book that gives us tools to release negative thoughts and beliefs, and create miracles in our lives.

Why do theocracies always begin with a war on women?

Christians today seem overly obsessed with other people’s sex lives. They have deemed themselves the judge and jury of who can and can’t have sex, and what’s appropriate sexual behavior and what’s not. Pastor Siri Strommen joins us today to discuss what’s behind this fixation, and why shaming and silencing women is always the first step in dictatorships and theocracies.

Will legislating Christianity lead us to imprisoning heretics for differing beliefs?

Legislating religious dogma is a dangerous and slippery slope. The definition of heresy is a belief or opinion contrary to accepted religious doctrine. Jesus was a heretic. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake as a heretic. Pastor Siri Strommen joins us for a lively discussion regarding the history of heresy and how it’s been used throughout history to silence women who dared to advocate for their own religous freedom, and the dangerous territory legislating for forced Christianity could lead us into.

Can plant medicines like ayahuasca & psilocybin (magic mushrooms) heal what ails us?

There is extensive research being done in the areas of plant medicine and their effectiveness on depression, addiction, brain injuries and many more maladies. Healing plants like mushrooms, (psilocybin) ayahuasca, DMT and several other plants are being studied with promising results. Herbalist, naturalist, experienced forager and healer Andrea Marcinkus joins us to discuss the history and latest research into plant medicines effectiveness on depression, TBI’s, post-traumatic stress disorder and many more ailments and diseases. Mary shares her personal experiences with plant medicines.

Why have we accepted these lives of struggle as normal? Who benefits from keeping us divided?

Why have the majority of us blindly accepted that life is meant to be difficult? Is it possible that our lives were meant to be lived happily and powerfully? Or as Jesus said, ‘more abundantly’? Pastor Siri Strommen joins us to unpack the oppressive teachings and beliefs in our political and religious systems that keep us living such separate, angry lives, and how we can question and then shift the narratives we’re conditioned to follow.

Why do women wait so long to report their sexual assault? Why do they freeze up?

The #MeToo movement has seen an unprecedented number of women coming forward with horrifying tales of their sexual abuses. Sex Therapist and Spiritual Coach Florence Paquet joins us to discuss why women too often blame themselves for their assaults, and why it takes so long to come forward. We also discuss our tendency to ‘freeze up’ during an assault as opposed to fighting back. We dissect what leads to our reactions and how we can become a more informed and supportive society in healing these wounds.

It’s Time to Retire the ‘Selfless Woman’

Why are women trained to be suffering and sacrificing martyrs? Why is the ‘selfless woman’ a label we
aspire to? How does this inform our decisions regarding our boundaries in abusive or unhappy
relationships? Pastor Siri Strommen joins us today to talk about the God in the sky we’re told looks
favorably on the woman who ‘never thinks of herself but gives everything for her family?’
Why did religions label many things related to the Divine Feminine as evil?

Reverend Angie Buchanan joins us to talk about the foundations of paganism, the erasure of the Divine Feminine from our religions, the catastrophic results of that erasure and the steps we can take to rectify it.

Unspeakable Things; Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Dr. Lisa Valle joins us to discuss the topic of sexual dysfunction in women. What causes it? Why are we so embarrassed to discuss it? What can we do about it?

Is Christian Nationalism a step forward or backward?
Why do we feel the need to have everyone believe what we believe? Pastor Siri Strommen joins us to discuss our new Speaker of the House, his biblical views for our country and what history has shown us happens when democracies become theocracies.
What did Jesus say about abortion?
If it was considered such a grave sin, why didn’t he mention it? What does taking autonomy over our bodies away from women implicate regarding our self identity and society’s view of us? Pastor Siri Strommen joins us to discuss the topic of abortion and a woman’s right to choose.

-For more videos go to Herstory Network on YOUTUBE or click the link below.


Can we communicate with our loved ones after they die?
Nichole Clark, author of Remember All That Is: Communications With My Daughter After She Died, joins us to discuss her evolution from obedient Mormon to a woman forging her own spiritual path, and how that more expansive spirituality opened her up to communicating with her daughter Emberly after she drowned in their backyard.
Why are women so afraid to ask for what they deserve?
Pastor Siri Strommen joins us for a discussion about how well trained we are to be compliant ‘good little girls’ and how that training has inhibited our ability to feel worthy of financial compensation. We examine the ways we undermine ourselves, and how we can rectify these behaviors. We talk about the systemic and religious training we’ve been exposed to that teaches us to not ask for too much, and how it’s time to break free of those constrictive and inhibiting beliefs.
What happens when we die?
Ingrid Honkala, Ph.d., a NASA biologist and author of A Brightly Guided Life, How a Scientist Learned to Hear Her Inner Wisdom, joins us with her incredible story of her Near Death Experiences, and the Beings of Light who have guided her throughout her life. She shares with us the acumen she has garnered, and how we each can access this love and wisdom within ourselves.
Why is it so hard for women to love themselves?
Pastor Siri Strommen joins us to discuss the programming women have to overcome to foster love & appreciation for ourselves. Why are relgious teachings founded on the idea that women are here to serve and that thinking so little of ourselves is somehow holy? How is that shaping our politics and our world? What can we do to eradicate and reject these harmful and false beliefs and learn to accept ourselves as the beautiful individuals we were created to be?