Kiva Leatherman

Founder and President;  Wise Workshops

Host of A Woman’s Worth on

“If I don’t teach women to get a hold of their sense of self worth, it doesn’t matter what I teach them about stocks, bonds and investing.” –Kiva Leatherman

Kiva Leatherman was a Sales Vice President of a major investment firm that generated over $100 million annually when she left the corporate world to raise a family.  Wanting her children to be as healthy as possible, she developed a passion for fitness and nutrition.  She became a dance instructor at a local gym and noticed the positive effect dancing in a group had on the women she was teaching.

Kiva was enjoying her life, but she began to feel that something was missing.

“I’d been home with my kids for a couple of years and was teaching dance classes, but  I started feeling like there was something more I needed to be doing with my life.”

One night Kiva had an epiphany that brought her experience as a woman, a dance instructor and a financial expert all into focus. “I realized that I could use my experience in these areas to help women find their core and create a framework for success that helps them live their healthiest lives in all areas.”

Wise Women Network is the culmination of Kiva’s experience in dance, finance, and being a woman. “I had done extensive work on myself and the guilt I felt over the money I’d made. I knew my guilt came from my lack of self worth and realized this was key to women’s financial freedom. A woman’s self worth is tied 100% into her financial health.”

Kiva and her team present online programs called Wise Workshops that aid women in taking back the power in their lives. They also give live presentations for women in the New Hampshire area.

She encourages participants to remember to have fun and be in the moment, and uses dance as an acronym; D=decide  A=accept  N=no (know)  C=commit  E=expand.

Kiva explains why women seem to have a harder time asking for what they’re worth than men do. “If you think about money as energy, you’re saying ‘give me more for what I’m worth’ and as women we’ve got blocks about getting recognition and being loved and that manifests through money.”

“The important thing to remember is whether it’s your finances, health or relationships that are in trouble, all of those are symptoms of a root cause. Our goal at Wise Women Network is to help you uncover the cause, and then the healing begins.”

To listen to Kiva’s show ‘A Woman’s Worth’ go to