
Mary Photo

Welcome! I’m Mary Long, Founder of Herstory Network and the host of Heroines & Heretics Podcast.

I am absolutely convinced that the healing of this world will be brought about by women, but first we have to heal ourselves. We can no longer wait for someone to rescue us, we must rescue ourselves. How do we do that? Together. We do it together. By going within. By asking questions about why we believe what we believe. By challenging the status quo and refusing to be silent any longer.

I have a lot of questions regarding why women have taken on the role we have in this society and our world, and I am in search of answers. It’s time to take a good long look at the parts we’ve accepted as the duty of our gender, and ask ourselves if it isn’t time to re-examine them and see if there isn’t a better way.

Among these pages you will find women of great courage and determination, past and present.  Women who are presently performing amazing feats, big and small, that are changing our world.

Women who history may overlook, but herstory will not.

May they inspire you to remember the greatness that lies within you as well.